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Fox Attacks

The Fox News Channel has been accused by academics, media figures, political figures, and watchdog groups of having conservative bias in their news coverage as well as perpetuating more general views of a conservative bias.Fox News has publicly denied such charges, stating that the reporters in the newsroom provide separate, neutral reporting, while acknowledging their opinion programming is not intended to be neutral.

At times, the accusations of bias have led to back and forth conflicts between Fox commentators and political and media figures. For example, in 2009 the Fox News Channel engaged in a verbal conflict with the Obama administration.

Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean has referred to Fox News as a "right-wing propaganda machine," and several Democratic Party politicians have boycotted events hosted or sponsored by the network. In 2007, several major Democratic Party presidential candidates (Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama, and Bill Richardson) boycotted or dropped out of Fox News-sponsored or -hosted debates, forcing their cancellation.

Similar accusations have been levied against Fox News in response to its decision to exclude Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter from the January 5, 2008, Republican candidate debate. In response, many individuals and organizations petitioned Fox News to reconsider its decision. When Fox refused to change its position and continued to exclude Paul and Hunter, the New Hampshire Republican Party officially announced it would withdraw as a Fox partner in the forum.

While the network has been criticized for its tendency to support the Republican Party and its interests, David Frum, former speechwriter for George W. Bush, has also said, "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox."

