The Fourth International (identified here by its major theoretical magazine "La Verite") was established as an "International Centre (or Center) of Reconstruction" by co-thinkers of Pierre Lambert, in 1981 who argued that the post-war political evolution of the Fourth International under the leadership of Michel Pablo and Ernest Mandel had taken the FI away from the ideas of its founder, Leon Trotsky. In the opinion of Lambert and his co-thinkers, the FI needed to be reconstructed. In 1993, they formed a new International, which they describe as the Fourth International. It is, by the number of sections, the Trotskyist tendency in the second largest number of countries.
The Fourth International's (La Verite) roots lie in the Organising Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (OCRFI), which was established in 1972. It formed a short-lived bloc with Nahuel Moreno's tendency. A Parity Committee which operated in 1979 1980 produced Forty Theses of agreements between the tendencies led by Moreno and Lambert. On that basis, the Fourth International (International Committee) (FI[IC]) was founded in 1980. However, the convergence decelerated because of Lambert's support for the government of Socialist Party (France) and French Communist Party without capitalist ministers, a traditional position of French Trotskyism going back before the death of Trotsky. Moreno's supporters boycotted a General Council of the FI(IC) in the Autumn of 1981 whereupon Lambert declared a split: Moreno's supporters formed the International Workers League; at a meeting on 21–23 December 1981 Lambert's supporters formed the "Fourth International - International Centre of Reconstruction", or ICR.
The ICR underwent a period of re-orientation, during which Lambert proposed that the ICR should announce itself as the Fourth International. In 1986-87 Brazilian member Luis Favre became critical of Pierre Lambert within the PCI/OCRFI, but Lambert's position was adopted.
In June 1993, a world conference of 44 sections of the ICR was held in Paris. It re-proclaimed the Fourth International on the basis of one of its founding document: the Transitional Program. The resulting international organization, linked closely with the International Liaison Committee for a Workers' International, is known among its adherents and national sections simply as the Fourth International. Since it is not the only group to refer to itself in this way, others refer to it as the "Lambertist" Fourth International (after Pierre Lambert, one of its most prominent members), as the Fourth International (La Vérité) (after its international theoretical journal La Vérité), or as SIQI (for the French Secrétariat International de la Quatrième Internationale (International Secretariat of the Fourth International), the name of its leading body) [1]).