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Foundation for Strategic Research

The Foundation for Strategic Research (Fondation pour la recherche stratégique or FRS) is an independent French think-tank. It was founded by Pierre Joxe (then Minister of Defence) in 1992-1993 by merging the FED (Fondation pour les Études de Défense or Foundation for Defence Studies) and the CREST (Centre de Recherches et d'Études sur les Stratégies et les Technologies or Centre for Study of Strategies and Technologies).

Its missions are to analyze strategic and international security issues, notably military and defense-related issues, and to contribute to the strategic debate in France as well as to the diffusion of French ideas abroad.

It is the only major independent French think-tanks to work exclusively on these questions.

Its experts (44 researchers including 22 permanent ones) cover the whole range of security and defense issues, from international relations to scientific, technological and operational questions, as well as defense industry and economy, the analysis of cross-cutting threats (terrorism, cyberattacks, NBC proliferation…) as well as health and environmental risks.

Its partners are public and private : Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, Prime Minister’s Office, Atomic Energy Commission, National Space Studies Center, National Air & Space Research Office, National Institute for Health and Medical Research ; European institutions (European Commission, European External Action Service, European Parliament, European Space Agency, European Defense Agency…) ; international organizations (United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization…) ; French and European private sector firms ; as well, for specific projects, governments of some foreign countries (Australia, Finland, Japan, Poland, United Kingdom…).

In 2016, the Foundation’s resources amounted to 3.68 million euros. Research funding originated from ministries (64%), EU and international organizations (14%), public agencies (10%), private sector firms (9%), and various sources (3% : projects with other think-tanks…).

The chairman of the board is Bruno Racine.

