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Fotomaker was a power pop group based on Long Island, NY which released 3 albums between 1978 and 1979. They were somewhat of a supergroup of power-pop musicians from previous groups, featuring what would become some future members of the Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame, albeit for their work with previous bands. They made three albums within the span of a little over a year, the third of which is considered the weaker of the three. They failed to achieve any measure of success, mostly due to lack of record company promotion.

The band Fotomaker was formed in 1977 by bassist Gene Cornish and drummer Dino Danelli, former members of the Rock n Roll HALL of FAME 1960s group The Rascals (a/k/a "The Young Rascals"). Rounding out the group was world renowned guitarist/vocalist Wally Bryson, formerly of power-pop hitmakers Raspberries (which featured singer Eric Carmen), and two incredibly talented & relative newcomers, guitarist/vocalist Lex Marchesi and keyboardist/vocalist Frankie Vinci. Although Marchesi & Vinci were relatively unknown, they were undoubtedly the core talent that drove the band with their versatile songwriting and vocal skills. Fotomaker initially debuted at the newly remodeled Cleveland Agora, early 1978. From all accounts, Fotomaker brought down the house. They were electric. Local Entertainment critics Jane Scott & Anastasia Pantsios from local newspapers both gave GLOWING REVIEWS and Thumbs-up to Fotomaker's premier debut as Atlantic Recording Artists. The band Opened with "CAN I PLEASE HAVE SOMEMORE", with Bryson's intricate riffing on his Gibson Double Neck guitar & Marchesi's soaring 'Lead' on his BC Rich Super Eagle guitar. "ALL THERE IN HER EYES" featured VINCI's lonely Flute solo outtro, that ended with an amazing Echoplexed sound effect. The band managed to incorporate some 'Cover' material. Wally rocked-out on songs like Free's "WISHING WELL" & Todd Rundgren's "COULDN'T I JUST TELL YOU" . . .and their set ended with Lex Marchesi's "TWO CAN MAKE IT WORK". During that period, early 1978, Kid Leo of WMMS radio in Cleveland featured "TWO CAN MAKE IT WORK" into some of his early afternoon song-list offerings. However, it just wasn't enough support for their debut album.

The 1978 debut release, simply titled Fotomaker, featured all the clichés of power-pop of the 1970s: hook-laden choruses, tight overdriven guitars, lush strings, 12-string acoustic guitars, a few melodic ballads, 3-minute radio-friendly tunes and strong vocal harmonies throughout. The group didn't get the publicity or promotion it deserved, though, and its minor chart hits failed to win a wider audience.

