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Forth & Clyde Canal

Forth and Clyde Canal
to Firth of Forth
River Carron
New entrance (open 2013)
New sea lock
A905 road
M9 motorway
River Carron
2 Sea lock, new lock + Kelpies
3 Carron Cut lock
4 Abbotshaugh lock
5-10 Falkirk Flight (6)
A9 Camelon bridge
11-16 Falkirk Flight (6)
Union Canal
Falkirk Wheel
Golden Jubilee lock
Bonnybridge lifting bridge
17 Underwood lock
18-19 Castlecary locks
A80 bridge
20 Wyndford lock
Auchinstarry basin
Luggie aqueduct
Nicholson bridge, Kirkintilloch
A803 Glasgow Road bridge
A807 Hungryside bridge
A879 Lambhill bridge
