For several years after independence in 1964, under the Nationalist Party government, Malta followed a policy of close co-operation with the United Kingdom and other NATO countries. This relationship changed with the election of the Labour Party government in June 1971, led by Dom Mintoff. The NATO subheadquarters in Malta was closed at the request of the government, and the United States Sixth Fleet discontinued recreational visits to the country.
After substantially increased financial contributions from several NATO countries (including the United States), the Royal Navy remained in the Malta Dockyard until 1979. Following their departure, the Labour government charted a new course of neutrality and became an active member of the Non-Aligned Movement. Malta is an active participant in the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the Council of Europe, OSCE, and various other international organisations. In these forums, Malta has frequently expressed its concern for the peace and economic development of the Mediterranean region.
The Nationalist government elected in May 1987 continued a policy of neutrality and non-alignment, but in a Western context. The government desires close relations with the United States and Europe, with an emphasis on increased trade and private direct investment. In 1992, United States Navy ships started paying liberty calls again and currently do so on a regular basis.