"FoodLand" is the name of a regional American supermarket chain based in New Stanton, Pennsylvania. The stores' "F" logo are a registered trademark of Minnesota-based SuperValu stores, which serves as the chain's main wholesale distributor.
The Foodland store chain consists of 68 conventional supermarkets in the Eastern United States, including 30 throughout West Virginia, 1 in southwestern Virginia, 20 in the Pittsburgh area of western Pennsylvania, 5 in eastern Kentucky, 5 in southeastern Ohio, and 3 in the panhandle of western Maryland. For much of the 2000s, their slogan was "Close to Home"; it has currently transitioned into "When You're Hungry for Dinner."
The FoodLand Supermarket concept is unique in that the square footage of each store varies and is based on the size of the community each store serves. Internally within the chain, stores are classified as "A" (smaller/medium volume) and "AA" (larger/high volume). However, the classification is based on sales volume of each store so some smaller stores that are high volume are "AA" and some larger stores with lower sales volume can be grouped in "A" As the size of the store is reflective of each community's needs, store size ranges from 12,000 to 60,000 square feet.
The Foodland ad circular is distributed on a weekly basis. It is typically eight pages and is printed on magazine quality paper. Advertising is planned by store owners/managers in a weekly meeting and is split into two groups, Milton, West Virginia and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At some of the meetings, both groups are connected via satellite and share sales plans, ideas and concepts. The group concept is unique to other store groups in the United States.