The Fondation Napoléon is a foundation, registered as a French non-profit organisation (reconnue d'utilité publique) on 12 November 1987. Its mission is to encourage and support study and interest in the history of the First and Second French Empires, and to support the preservation of Napoleonic heritage.
The Fondation Napoléon supports research on the history of the two French Empires, most notably by awarding annually six research grants for French-language and non-French-language PhD candidates. It also awards annual History Prizes for works of excellence whose subject is closely related to the two French Empires (in French and other European languages). The Fondation also supports the organisation of academic conferences, Napoleonic bicentenary and sesqui-centenary commemorations, Napoleonic book publication and Napoleonic exhibition catalogues.
In December 2010, the Fondation launched an international appeal to save the emperor Napoleon's house on the island of St Helena. The funds collected are to be used to pay for the restoration of the buildings in which Napoleon and his entourage lived in exile on St Helena from 1815 to 1821. The appeal is supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Donors may give online via the Fondation du patrimoine (site in French).
In 2002, the Fondation launched its grand project to publish the most complete version ever of the General Correspondance of Napoleon Ist (Eight volumes to date). This project is being run in partnership with the French Archives nationales, the French Archives du Ministère des Affaires étrangères, and with the support of the Fondation La Poste. The end result will be the publication of fourteen volumes and more than 40,000 letters, all with commentary and checked as much as possible against originals in public and private collections. Volume 8, containing letters for the year 1808 and the war in Spain, was published in November 2011 by Editions Fayard.
The Fondation Napoléon organises exhibitions of its collection of fine art and historical memorabilia, etc. (Exhibitions includes Paris (2004), São Paulo, (2003) Brazil, Monterrey Mexico (2005), Minden (2006) Germany ) and loans items from the collection to prestigious exhibition worldwide. For details, see the Press packs.