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Folkebevegelsen mot innvandring

Folkebevegelsen mot innvandring(FMI) or "People's Movement Against Immigration" is a somewhat militant, xenophbic organisation that works against immigration, based in Norway. The organisation was founded in 1987, and was initially led by Arne Myrdal who was later squeezed out due to his escalating and uncontrollable violent activism. FMI also enjoyed the support of convicted old shcool nazis like Henrik Bastian Heide from Norsk Front and was therefore disputed to be anything else than a racist trampoline organization. The FMI likes too see itself as a nonpartisan interest organisation that allegedly works to "stop the foreign cultural mass immigration to Norway." According to their own political program they seek to inform the public, political parties and politicians about the consequences of the mass immigration. The FMI were especially active in the late 1980s and early 1990s, gaining support of the national EU-resistance, but later, its activities and membership has been limited. In neighbouring Denmark, the FMI is closely affiliated with Den Danske Forening. There they got 161 votes in a municipal election among 100 982 voters in 2005.

The FMI was founded in 1987, presumably in response to a further liberalisation of the Norwegian immigration policy earlier the same year. The organisation wanted to enforce the de jure "immigration stop" that was adopted by the Norwegian Parliament in 1975, but which never went into practical force. The prelude to the creation to the FMI was a letter signed by 145 Norwegian resistance veterans from the Second World War, which was sent to King Olav V of Norway. In it, they expressed their concern and regret that their fight for Norway's freedom would go to waste due to an immigration policy which would lead to "tragic consequences" for Norway as a nation-state. But source for this claim is missing.

The FMI was founded in Haugesund on 3. October 1987, and already during its founding meeting had to get police protection from anti-FMI activists. For its annual meeting at a hotel in Arendal in 1989, demonstrators from groups including the Blitz movement illegally blocked the meeting from taking place, without the police intervening. While FMI members were spit on, kicked, beaten, harassed as "Nazi pigs", and blocked from entering the venue, the FMI leadership was trapped inside the building. While Arendal police chief Finn Steinkopf claimed the police could do nothing, Oslo police chief Willy Haugli said he was astonished that people were harassed while uniformed police just stood and watched. According to his own biography the Oslo police chief allready had a dubious leaning towards "mild" national socialists.

