Florida Public Broadcasting Service (FPBS) is a non-profit organization representing Florida's PBS television and NPR radio stations. FPBS works with PBS and NPR member stations, along with state and local groups, to deliver education based outreach projects and provide high quality programming.” FPBS has a total of 14 member stations that covers 99% of Florida viewers, as well as some viewers in Georgia and Alabama.
The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 established The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, defined its board and purpose, and appropriated funding. This stemmed from a failed amendment of the Communications Act of 1934 that attempted to reserve 25% of the radio airwaves to educational nonprofit usage and a 1945 decision by the Federal Communications Commission to set aside 20 of 100 FM channels for noncommercial radio.
In 1973 the Legislature created the Florida Public Broadcasting Program System as described in 73-293, Laws of Florida. The system is administered by the Department of Education pursuant to rules adopted by the State Board of Education. The System’s purpose is to maintain high quality broadcasting capability for public television stations and public radio stations. The stations which comprise the system are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to local communities, school boards, community colleges, or the Board of Regents. State funding is provided to assist qualified public broadcasting stations with operations, equipment, production and program distribution, construction of station facilities and a statewide interconnection system.
In 1973, "Florida Public Broadcasting" (FPB), a joint venture between WJCT-TV (Jacksonville) and WFSU-TV (Tallahassee) began program coverage of the Florida Legislature, which was transmitted to and broadcast by the eight affiliated PBS television stations in Florida, from a mobile facility located on the grounds of the State Capitol. The program was called Today in the Legislature, and was the first of its kind in the United States, preceding Legislative programs in other states, and U.S. Congressional coverage by C-SPAN.