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Florence Noiville

Florence Noiville.png
Born (1961-07-23) 23 July 1961 (age 55)
Paris, France
Occupation Writer/Journalist
Language French
Nationality French
Notable works The Gift, The Attachment
Notable awards Honorable mention at the RagazziAwards at the Bologna Book Festival in 2009 for "Et toi, ta grand-mère ?"
Spouse Martin Hirsch
Children Raphaëlle, Mathilde, Juliette

Florence Noiville (French: [nwavil]), a French author and journalist, is a long time staff writer for Le Monde and editor of foreign fiction for Le Monde des Livres, the literary supplement of Le Monde.

After attending Sciences Po, the international business school HEC Paris, and receiving her Masters' in Business Law, Noiville began her professional career in an American corporation, working in the financial sector. Against all odds, she moved four years later from numbers to letters, leading her career towards what had always interested her: writing and literature. Since 1994 she has worked as a journalist and literary critic for the French newspaper Le Monde. She has done numerous interviews and profiles including Saul Bellow,Imre Kertész,John le Carré, Mario Vargas Llosa,Herta Müller. From 2007 to 2010, she also hosted a literary show on French television channel LCI entitled "Le Monde des Livres". Among the authors she invited to her show are: Claude Lanzmann,Joseph Stiglitz,Paul Auster,Umberto Eco... In 2007-2008, she was a judge for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize organized by The Independent and the British Council in London.

While working for Le Monde, Florence Noiville also began writing. She started with children's books and then published a biography of the Nobel Prize-winning American author Isaac Bashevis Singer, which received a 2004 Biography Award. Later, she published The Gift, her first novel. In 2009, Florence Noiville wrote a half-essay, half-personal narrative short text about capitalism and its excesses, called "I Went to Business School and I apologize". Her second novel, The Attachment, will be published by Stock in 2012. Noiville's books are translated into 12 languages. Most of them question identity and transmission.

