Flashing Blades is a role-playing game published by Fantasy Games Unlimited in 1984.
Flashing Blades is a 17th-century swashbuckling system.PCs choose a character class (soldier, gentleman, rogue. etc.) and assign skill points to create characters. Gain and loss of social status is very important. The "Rogues, Gentlemen, Soldiers and Noblemen" book (48 pages) covers character creation, combat, and campaigns; a second book (16 pages) includes three miniscenarios. The game includes a GM's screen.
Flashing Blades was designed by Mark Pettigrew, and was published in 1984 by Fantasy Games Unlimited as a boxed set with a 48-page book, a 16-page book, a cardstock screen, and dice.
In 1985, William H. Keith, Jr. and J. Andrew Keith expanded into Fantasy Games Unlimited's game lines including Flashing Blades.