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Flag of Serbia (Habsburg)

The Habsburg Kings of Hungary were titular rulers (claimants) of Serbia, through the historical vassalage of the Serbian Despotate to the Kingdom of Hungary. The Serbian Despotate was finally conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1459, while "Little Rascia" (in the Kingdom of Hungary) in 1521–40. The Vexillum Serviae (in Latin, "flag of Serbia"; Hungarian: Rácország zászlója, Szervia zászlója) was one of the flags given to a honorary flag-bearer during the coronation of the king, since 1563. Central Serbia was at times occupied by the Habsburg Monarchy as the "Kingdom of Serbia".

Sketch of flag used at the coronation of Ferdinand II (1618).

Sketch of flag used at the coronation of Leopold II (1790), by Sámuel Decsy (1792).

