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Five Green and Speckled Frogs

"Five little speckled frogs" is a nursery rhyme that originated in the United States.

{ \key ees \major \time 4/4 bes'8 bes'4 c''8 bes' g' ees' r | ees'' ees''4 f''8 ees'' c'' aes' r | bes' bes'4 c''8 bes' g' ees' g' | f' r bes' r bes' r4. | bes'8 bes'4 c''8 bes' g' ees' r | ees'' ees''4 f''8 ees'' c'' aes' r | bes' bes'4 c''8 bes' aes' g' f' | ees' r ees' r ees' r4. \bar "|." } \addlyrics { Five lit -- tle speck -- led frogs Sat on a speck -- led log Eat -- ing some most de -- lic -- ious grubs (yum yum) One jumped in -- to the pond Where it was nice and cool Now there are four green speck -- led frogs (glug glug) }

The above musical notation shows one variant of the song.

The verse is then repeated with one fewer frog each time. The final verse ends "Then there were no green speckled frogs."

There are hand motions that allow children to participate during the song.

