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Gobots, Machine Robo and Robo Machines character
Battle for gobotron089.jpg
Fitor in Challenge of the Gobots
First appearance "Battle for Gobotron"
Last appearance Gobots: Battle of the Rock Lords
Created by Tonka
Voiced by Kelly Ward
Japanese name Jet Robo
Release number MR-03
Species Gobot
Gender Male
Title Commander
Abilities Energy blasts, flight, shapeshifting, superhuman durability, superhuman strength
Affiliation Renegade Gobot (former Guardian Gobot)
Alternate mode Jet fighter
Alternate modes Jet
Series Transformers: Timelines

Fitor is the name of several fictional character in the Gobots, Robo Machines and Transformers series. He was a major character in the Challenge of the GoBots cartoon. The character transforms into a futuristic jet fighter. In the Challenge of the GoBots animated series he was voiced by Kelly Ward, who also was an associate story editor for the series.

Fitor is a commander in the Renegade Gobot army, under the leadership of Cy-Kill. As well as his jet mode (armed with two laser cannon), Fitor can fire laser bolts from his fists in robot mode. He is also equipped with surveillance and communication equipment, and often gathers intelligence from the Guardian headquarters for Cy-Kill.

In the Challenge of the Gobots animated series Fitor was initially a Guardian, and a good friend of Cy-Kill. When the latter became unhappy with Guardian policy and defected to the Renegades, Fitor followed.

His continued loyalty means he rarely travels with Cy-Kill to Earth, instead often being trusted with command of Rogue-Star. He is captured by the Guardians when the Renegades' fortress on Gobotron is overrun, but escapes when an errant missile from Blaster opens his cell.

Fitor is instrumental in helping Cy-Kill escape from Guardian custody and back to Rogue-Star. He later travels with Crasher to Earth, but is again captured by the Power Suit-ed Leader-1. Presumably he later escapes. The Guardians respect his importance to the Renegade cause, and even make an attempt to capture him at one point.

The Guardians infiltrate the Renegade base, free some captured Guardians and escape from Spoons and Fitor.

Fitor escapes the Gobot Prison Moon with Cy-Kill.

Fitor appears in "Flight to Earth" episode #44.

Fitor appears in "Return of Gobotron" episode #45.

Fitor appears in "Clutch of Doom" episode #50.

Fitor appears in "Quest for New Earth" episode #65.

Fitor appears in GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords. It is his spying on the Guardians that allowed the Renegades to learn of the Rock Lords world.

