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Fishhook cactus

Fishhook cactus is a common name for any hook-spined species of the genera Mammillaria, Echinomastus or Sclerocactus. They are small cacti, usually growing up to 6-7 inches (20 cm) high, and are shaped similar to a barrel cactus. They are not to be confused with the fishhook barrel cactus (Ferocactus wislizenii) of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. The Fishhook cactus is a large category of around 150 species.

Good places to see "fishhook" Mammillaria are the Sonoran Desert on the U.S. - Mexico border, and the Mesa Verde National Park. Often found growing in desert and rocky locations.

The genus Mammillaria also contains "pincushion" and other cacti.

