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First Order Inductive Learner

In machine learning, First Order Inductive Learner (FOIL) is a rule-based learning algorithm.

Developed in 1990 by Ross Quinlan, FOIL learns function-free Horn clauses, a subset of first-order predicate calculus. Given positive and negative examples of some concept and a set of background-knowledge predicates, FOIL inductively generates a logical concept definition or rule for the concept. The induced rule must not involve any constants (color(X,red) becomes color(X,Y), red(Y)) or function symbols, but may allow negated predicates; recursive concepts are also learnable.

Like the ID3 algorithm, FOIL hill climbs using a metric based on information theory to construct a rule that covers the data. Unlike ID3, however, FOIL uses a separate-and-conquer method rather than divide-and-conquer, focusing on creating one rule at a time and collecting uncovered examples for the next iteration of the algorithm.

The FOIL algorithm is as follows:

Suppose FOIL's task is to learn the concept grandfather(X,Y) given the relations father(X,Y) and parent(X,Y). Furthermore, suppose our current Body consists of grandfather(X,Y) ← parent(X,Z). This can be extended by conjoining Body with any of the literals father(X,X), father(Y,Z), parent(U,Y), or many others - to create this literal, the algorithm must choose both a predicate name and a set of variables for the predicate (at least one of which is required to be present already in an unnegated literal of the clause). If FOIL extends a clause grandfather(X,Y) ← true by conjoining the literal parent(X,Z), it is introducing the new variable Z. Positive examples now consist of those values <X,Y,Z> such that grandfather(X,Y) is true and parent(X,Z) is true; negative examples are those where grandfather(X,Y) is true but parent(X,Z) is false.

On the next iteration of FOIL after parent(X,Z) has been added, the algorithm will consider all combinations of predicate names and variables such that at least one variable in the new literal is present in the existing clause. This results in a very large search space. Several extensions of the FOIL theory have shown that additions to the basic algorithm may reduce this search space, sometimes drastically.

