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Fighting Gravity (band)

Fighting Gravity
Origin Richmond, Virginia, Virginia, United States
Genres Ska, Pop, Rock
Years active 1985–2009
Labels BOB Records, Mercury Records, Q Records

Fighting Gravity was a music group based out of Richmond, Virginia. Originally a ska band called Boy O Boy, Fighting Gravity has incorporated a variety of music into their style, including reggae, rock, and pop. Fighting Gravity was formed while its original members were attending Virginia Tech. Originally, the band consisted of guitarist David "Tree" Triano, bassist/vocalist David Peterson, keyboardist Eric Lawson, trumpeter Jim Pennington, trombonist Chris Leitch, and drummer Mike Boyd. In 1995, Pennington departed and was replaced by saxophonist Karl von Klein. In 1996, Chris Leitch departed and was replaced by trombonist/percussionist John Utley. In 1997, Karl von Klein departed, replaced by saxophonist Mike Ghegan. In 1999, Ghegan departed, replaced by trombonist/turntablist Stefan Demetriadis. Guitarist Michael Sauri replaced a departed Triano in 2000. In 2001, a rotation of horns brought saxophonist Kevin Tyser into the section. The horns were phased out in 2003-2004. Other former members include guitarists Philippe Herndon, Sinakone Phrakhansa and Rich Stine. As of 2007, the band had three core members: Schiavone McGee, David Peterson and Mike Boyd.

In the late 1990s, Fighting Gravity was the subject of a five-page article in Rolling Stone magazine by senior editor David Wild as part of the summer college issue.

Fighting Gravity has sold more than 300,000 albums and performed before more than 1,000,000 people in the United States and abroad, including locales such as Tokyo and Honduras, and has performed two USO tours overseas for United States troops. Fighting Gravity is supported by 25,000 email subscribers and 1,500 street team members.

The band has maintained a sizeable East Coast concert following and released its newest album, Blue Sky and Black, in 2006. Fighting Gravity's other albums include: Under the Radar (Live acoustic album)(2001), Flood Zone (Live album) (2000), Hello Cleveland (Live Album) (1999), You and Everybody Else (1998), Everywhere and In Between (MP3.com Album) (1998), Forever=One Day (1996), No Stopping, No Standing (1994), Bobsled (1992), Shish-ska-BOB (1992), and Boy O Boy O Boy (1991).

