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Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network

Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network (FACTNet)
Motto We are to destructive cults, fundamentalism, mind control, and mental coercion/torture what Amnesty International is to physical torture.
Formation 1993
Type 501(c)(3) non-profit
Headquarters Colorado,
United States
Official language
Key people
Lawrence Wollersheim,
Robert Penny
Website FACTNet.org

Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, also known as FACTNet, co-founded by Robert Penny and Lawrence Wollersheim, is a Colorado-based organization with the stated aim of educating and facilitating communication about "destructive mind control". Coercive tactics, or "coercive psychological systems", are defined on their website as "unethical mind control such as brainwashing, thought reform, destructive persuasion and coercive persuasion".

The founding thesis of FACTNet — that cults use mind control and brainwashing on their members — was considered and rejected as "unscientific" by the American Psychological Association (APA) in 1987 when a special task force commissioned to study the question submitted its report (Task Force on Deceptive and Indirect Methods of Persuasion and Control). The APA has not reported a change of position since that time.

In 1995 FACTNet was featured in the news due to a lawsuit regarding the seizure of FACTNet servers and files by the Religious Technology Center (RTC), a sub-organization of the Church of Scientology created to oversee the protection of its trademarks and copyrights. In August 1995 RTC lawyers went to a Denver judge alleging copyright infringement and illegal use of Scientology documents by FACTNet, a vocal critic of the organization's practices. A raid of two directors' homes was conducted on August 21, 1995 by two U.S. marshals and six RTC representatives, with the actual search for incriminating documents conducted by the RTC alone. Witnesses of the searches testified that the marshals allowed the RTC representatives to go far beyond the scope of the order in their search for information. The marshals also failed to search the representatives before or after the search, making it possible for them to carry off disks and other documents containing critical information. FACTNet immediately accused the Church of Scientology of attempting to silence their voice by stealing and contaminating information vital to their continued attacks and lawsuits against the Church. The raids provoked debate both on the internet and in the university setting, with university protesters in Denver, Colorado holding signs that read: "Hands Off the Internet" and "Scientology Harasses Critics," while counterprotesters at the Boulder County Courthouse carried signs such as: "Only criminals spread lawlessness on the Internet."

