Feuerwerker (literal: fire worker; en: ordnance technician or specialist), as well as Büchsenmeister (en: gun-master) – in the late Middle Edge until the early new times privileged soldiers, in charge of the gun service and making of ammunition. In addition to this, a Feuerwerker was a highly specialised artisan with detail knowledge of the strong protected secrets of making gunpowder and Very light.
Since the 19th century Feuerwerker became a distinguished career in Austrian, German and Russian (Russian: Фейерверкер; Feyerverker) armed forces.
Today, in the German Bundeswehr Feuerwerker is the collective designation to non-commissioned officers (OR5 to OR9) and officers of the military functional service (German: Offizier(e) militärfachlischer Dienst, OF1 and OF2) with several years of special training pertaining to construction, maintenance, and destruction of ammunition.
Feuerwerker was a military rank of the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces (1867–1918).
In the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces Feuerwerker was equivalent to:
The rank insignia was a gorget patch on the stand-up collar of the so-called Waffenrock (en: tunic), and consisted of three white stars on 13 mm ragged yellow silk galloon. The gorget patch and the stand-up collar showed the particular Waffenfarbe (en: corps colour).