Felipe Quispe Huanca "El Mallku" (Aymara language: "condor") is an AymaraBolivian political leader. He heads the Pachakuti Indigenous Movement (MIP) and has also been general secretary of the United Union Confederation of Working Peasants of Bolivia (CSUTCB). In 1984, he was one of the leading organisers of the Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army, a failed armed insurrection against the government. Quispe was arrested for his involvement in the movement on August 19, 1992. Quispe has worked for the establishment of an Tawantinsuyu republic — which would take the name "Collasuyu" — in the Aymara-majority regions of Bolivia.
Quispe is a staunch opponent of the neoliberal Washington consensus, and is also strongly against U.S.-led coca eradication schemes, which he sees as destroying a critical part of Aymara culture. He was heavily involved in the Bolivian Gas War.
Quispe ran a failed campaign in the 2005 presidential elections, which saw the victory of indigenous Evo Morales, leader of MAS (Movimiento al socialismo).
Quispe has been a vocal critic of Morales' government, characterising it as representing "neoliberalism with an Indian face".