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Fan Boy

First appearance The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 (November 1968)
Created by Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
Species Human
Abilities Skilled at being an assassin.

Falcona is an Inhuman criminal who acquired her affinity for wild birds from undergoing Terrigenesis as an infant. She can mentally control all birds of prey, especially falcons.

Falcona first appeared in Incredible Hulk Annual #1 (October 1968), and was created by Gary Friedrich and Marie Severin. The character subsequently appears in Fantastic Four #83 (February 1969), The Incredible Hulk #119-120 (September–October 1969), and Inhumans #4-6 (April–August 1976). Falcona appeared as part of the "Inhumans" entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #6.

The Fallen One was created by Keith Giffen. The character first appeared in issues 11 and 12 of Thanos, published in 2004. He returned in Annihilation: Silver Surfer #1-4 in 2006.

Fallen One was the first Herald of the cosmic entity Galactus and is empowered by dark energy, but he is imprisoned by Galactus for his cruelty. The Fallen One escapes and repeatedly attacks Galactus. Star-Lord imprisons the Fallen One in the Kyln, an intergalactic prison. He escapes to attack Galactus again, but is mentally enslaved by Thanos. Fallen One is killed by the Proemial Gods Tenebrous and Aegis.

The Fallen One, unlike later Heralds, is granted control of black matter, the "binding halo by which galaxies are made solvent". The character can use this matter to augment strength and durability, project energy, create black holes and pocket dimensions, manipulate time and space, control the electromagnetic spectrum, and transmute matter. The Fallen One is capable of travelling faster than the speed of light and is immune to the rigors of space.

