A facility information model is an information model of an individual facility that is integrated with data and documents about the facility. The facility can be any large facility that is designed, fabricated, constructed and installed, operated, maintained and modified; for example, a complete infrastructural network, a process plant, a building, a highway, a ship or an airplane. The difference with a product model is that a product model is typically a model about a kind of product expressed as a data structure, whereas a facility information model typically is an integration of 1000–10,000 components and their properties and relations and 10,000–50,000 documents. A facility information model is intended for users that search for data and documents about the components of the facility and their operation.
A Facility Information Model can be an instantiation of a fixed data model or it can be expressed in a flexible modeling language such as Gellish English.
A facility information model about a plant, a building, etc. is usually called a Plant Information Model, a Building Information Model, etc.
A Facility Information Model can be created according to various modeling methods. For example, the Gellish Modeling Method [1] enables to model it in a system-independent and computer-interpretable way. This means that the model can be imported and managed in any system that is able to read Gellish English expressions. A facility information model is in principle system independent and only deals with data and document content.
A Facility Information Model consists of at least the following sections:
1. A Facility Model, which may include processes and activities
2. A Documents and Data sets section
3. An electronic Common Dictionary
And possibly also:
4. Requirements Models
The Facility Model
A Facility Model describes a facility, primarily in a breakdown structure that specifies a decomposition hierarchy of the facility. For example, the facility may be decomposed in sections, whereas each section is decomposed in units and utility systems, which are further decomposed in equipment systems, control loops, sub-systems, which are decomposed in pieces of equipments, building components, etc. as far as required. The Facility Model consists partly of the facts (data) that are expressed as relations between the components and their properties and relations to other 'objects'. That data reflects the facility and its operation and its properties.