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Ezekiel Zick

This is the list of characters from Disney's comic book/animated series Monster Allergy.

Ezekiel Zick (Ezechiele Zick in the original Italian version, ) is a fictional character and the male protagonist in the comic book and animated TV series, Monster Allergy. In the animated series, he is voiced by Holly Gauthier-Frankel, Gianfranco Gamba in Italian, Feodor Atkine in French and Mika Doi in Japanese.

Zick is an Italian 12-year-old who is considered "strange" for his ability to see monsters others cannot see. He suffers from rather particular allergies that allow him to sense dangerous monsters.

Elena Potato (Elena Patata in the original Italian version, ) is a fictional character and the female protagonist in the comic book and the animated TV series, Monster Allergy. In the animated series, she is voiced by Annie Bovaird, Elisabetta Spinelli in Italian, Marie-Laure Dougnac in French and Maaya Sakamoto in Japanese.

Elena is Ezekiel Zick's Italian best friend around his age. She helps him in their adventures. She adores cats and the world of invisible monsters.

Magnacat is president of Pyramid Inc., a kitchen appliance store, but he is also an extremely powerful Gorka. Magnacat's powers include shape-shifting, hypnosis, mind-control, flight and various dangerous magical spells. When in human form Magnacat has blond hair and wears a green business suit. He is the main antagonist of the first season of the animated series. His goal was to create an army of Androgorkas, and capture the Tutors to control the prisoner monsters to get his revenge on Bibbur-Si, from which he was exiled long ago. Magnacat ended up being eaten by the Dark Phantom, Captain Bristlebeard. Magnacat survived being eaten and escapes albeit as an ooze. In his weakened state he was confined to a capsule to regain his body and strength. In the show before the series starts, he defeated Zob, Zick's father, and Terrence, another tamer. He shrunk Zob while turning Terrence into stone. He fought the Tamers various times making several attempts to take down Bibbur-Si and gain control of the Tamers but failed each time. Due to suffering numerous losses in fighting the Tamers, his company went into bankruptcy. As a last resort, Magnacat ordered Viziosed to get the Horn of Kong to summon the Monster-Saur. His control over the monster was not complete, however, and he formed a loose alliance with the Tamers to stop it. After a short skirmish in the beast's stomach, Zick and Elena escaped, trapping Magnacat and Viziosed inside. The Monster-Saur was defeated and put into a Dombox while they were still inside. Being in one Dombox together, Magnacat began to devour the monster from the inside, absorbing its power.

