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Exotron & Urban Myths

Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Release no. 95
Featuring Fifth Doctor
Peri Brown
Written by Paul Sutton
Directed by Barnaby Edwards
Production code 6Q/AA
Release date May 2007

Exotron and Urban Myths are Big Finish Productions audio dramas based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.

The episode is set on an Earth colony in the future. Terraformers suffer frequent attacks from a native species, the Farakosh, and rely on robots to protect them. Ultimately the Doctor discovers that the robots are cyborgs, using the minds of soldiers presumed dead, connected together telepathically, and that their presence is what had been disturbing the Farakosh in the first place.

In an expensive restaurant on Earth, three gourmets plan the death of the Doctor.

Urban Myths continues the "Virus Strand" story arc, which started in the previous one-episode story Urgent Calls and continues through The Vanity Box and Mission of the Viyrans.

