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Everworld is a fantasy novel series written by K. A. Applegate and published by Scholastic between 1999 and 2001. It consists of twelve books and a companion music CD titled The Everworld Experience.

The Old-Worlders are people who do not live in Everworld and who live in the old world.

Many gods were in the Everworld series. Nearly all the gods shared similar characteristics such as shape shifting, physical perfection, superhuman strength and immortality. They could only be killed by the weapon of another god such as Thor's hammer Mjolnir or through severe injury. Even then, there is a chance they could heal. Real world weapons however do seem to harm gods. When the Sennites arrived with automatic weapons, they apparently killed Fenrir. Many of the gods had special powers related to their field and some were radically more powerful than others. Nearly all of them were portrayed as being cold and cruel in their attitude toward humans if not outright insane due to their power and long lives and would rather carry on their petty squabbles from ancient times. Most are slow to change or act unless they feel immediately threatened allowing the threat of the Hetwan to grow. The gods in Everworld included:

This list is not complete

The Vikings are very similar to their real world counterparts, but in many ways are easier to relate to than other groups of people. A mixture of farmers, craftsmen and warriors that glorify battle, but are trustworthy allies. Among the peoples of Everworld they are easy to get along with and motivate into needed action instead of bickering amongst themselves. They are also the most cosmopolitan of Everworld humans, as they readily accept people of other races into their ranks (African, Asian, etc.) They worshiped Loki for an unknown period of time when he overthrew Odin and other major gods such as Thor and Balder disappeared.

The Aztecs, in their Everworld incarnation, are portrayed as an utterly savage and barbaric society. They are first encountered at the end of the first book, Search for Senna. The Aztecs are known by many names in Everworld, including "The Blood-Drinkers," "The Mexica," and "The Heart Eaters." Some groups worship Huitzilopoctli, while others worship Quetzalcoatl.

The Coo-Hatch are strange creatures from an alien world who abandoned their gods after their God of the Flame and Goddess of the Ore brought them to Everworld against their will. A majority of the Coo-Hatch seem to be disillusioned by their deities and Everworld and want to go back to their realm. They often ally themselves with whomever they believe can achieve this goal. They have large red eyes with blue pupils, two main arms as well as two smaller arms that have more dexterity and are on the sides of their faces. Their mouths are long and tapered. Juvenile Coo-Hatch are small and flighted with needle-like mouths. The juveniles are very fast fliers, covering a space of 20 feet in the length of a human blink.

