The European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) is a scientific association founded in Montecatini Terme, Italy in 1965 with Dr. Joseph Hoet as Founding President. The aims of the Association are to encourage and support research in the field of diabetes, the rapid diffusion of acquired knowledge in that field, and to facilitate its application.
The Association is based on individual membership and embraces scientists, physicians, laboratory workers, nurses and students internationally who are interested in diabetes and related subjects. An Active Member is an individual holding a medical degree or a scientific worker with an academic degree who has paid the current annual membership fee. Members are entitled to vote at the General Assembly, which is held during the Annual Meeting, and are eligible for election to the Council and to the Executive Committee. Membership also provides the possibility of attending the Annual Meetings of the Association at a considerably reduced registration fee. Active members receive monthly the official journal of the Association, Diabetologia, which publishes articles on clinical and experimental diabetes and metabolism. In addition there are rapid communications and review articles on selected topics of current interest by leading experts in the field.
The Active Membership of the Association currently numbers more than 8000 individuals from over 110 countries. The Association also bestows Honorary Membership on any individual whose medical or scientific contribution to diabetes research has been outstanding; the first Honorary Member of the Association was Charles Best.
The Association is governed by a Council and an Executive Committee chaired by the President (currently Prof. Juleen R. Zierath).
The Annual Meeting of the Association is held in a different European city each year. It attracts 17.000 - 18.000 participants from over 100 countries worldwide. Abstracts are invited from members and non-members. All abstracts are anonymously reviewed by a Programme Committee, chaired by the Honorary Secretary. The EASD was one of the first international Associations to introduce the anonymous review of abstracts. The scientific programme of the Meeting, providing titles of the lectures and symposia, is made available online at an early stage, and, once confirmed, the speakers' names are made available about 6–8 weeks before the start of the Meeting. All abstracts accepted for presentation can be accessed online via the online programme. A search function assists the visitor in finding abstracts in their field of interest. Since 2012 the EASD Virtual Meeting presents posters and talks from the conference online free of charge.