The Eureka Seven anime and manga series features an extensive cast of characters created by Bones. The central protagonist of the series is Renton Thurston, a young boy who joins the renegade group Gekkostate to fight against the U.F. Force, led by Dewey Novak.
In naming the characters, writer Dai Sato drew inspiration from club bands and the music culture of his generation. He said, "The youngest generation is represented by references to dance music, techno, and house. Hip hop represents the next generation, and rock represents the oldest generation.” Although the show is primarily targeted towards the kid demographic, he hoped to draw in some viewers who might have hung out at clubs at night.
Gekkostate is an anti-government militia and counterculture collective led by Holland, who also pilots the LFO Terminus typeR909. Eureka, an aloof, pale girl, pilots an LFO called the Nirvash typeZERO. After joining Gekkostate early in the series, Renton co-pilots the Nirvash with Eureka. Stoner is a photographer who writes Gekkostate's illegal magazine, ray=out. Talho is the head pilot of Gekkostate's aircraft, the Gekko (月光号 Gekkō-gō, lit. "moonlight"; "Moonlight" in the English manga) and also ray=out's covergirl. Hap is Holland's childhood friend and the second-in-command of the Gekko. Ken-Goh is the weapons specialist and owner of the Gekko. Jobs and Woz are the ship's engineers, for hardware and software, respectively. Mischa is the resident doctor. Moondoggie is a secondary pilot and operator of the launch catapult. Hilda and Matthieu are the pilots of the Gekkostate LFOs Terminus typeR808 and Terminus typeR606, respectively. Gidget is the communications operator. Finally, Gonzy is a fortuneteller.