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Euler (crater)

Euler crater AS17-M-2922.jpg
From Apollo 17
Coordinates 23°18′N 29°12′W / 23.3°N 29.2°W / 23.3; -29.2Coordinates: 23°18′N 29°12′W / 23.3°N 29.2°W / 23.3; -29.2
Diameter 28 km
Depth 2.2 km
Colongitude 28° at sunrise
Eponym Leonhard Euler

Euler is a lunar impact crater located in the southern half of the Mare Imbrium. The most notable nearby feature is Mons Vinogradov to the west-southwest. There is a cluster of low ridges to the southwest, and this formation includes the small crater Natasha and the tiny Jehan. About 200 kilometers to the east-northeast is the comparably sized crater Lambert.

Euler's rim is surrounded by a low , and contain some slight and slumped features on the irregular inner wall surface. In the middle of the small interior floor is a low central peak that formed from the rebound subsequent to the impact. The crater has a minor system of rays that extend for a distance of 200 kilometers.

By convention these features are identified on lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater midpoint that is closest to Euler.

The following craters have been renamed by the IAU.

