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Ethan (Guardians of Time)

Ethan Roberts is one of the lead characters in the Guardians of Time series by Marianne Curley. He is one of the narrators for the first book in the series, The Named, which introduces the world of the Guardians of Time.

Ethan is introduced in the prologue of The Named, the first book of the trilogy. The prologue follows 10-year-old Sera and 4-year-old Ethan as they rush to watch a rare flower bloom. After watching the iris, Sera is attacked and killed by a monster who calls himself Marduke, and the scream of young Ethan begins the transition to the first chapter, which opens with sixteen-year-old Ethan, one of the novel's narrators, waking from a nightmare. Ethan lives with his parents, Laura and Shaun, in Angel Falls, Australia. It is later revealed that Sera, Ethan's sister, died of an aneurysm twelve years prior to the beginning of the story and that Ethan has recurring nightmares about her death. It is after his sister's death that Arkarian, a 600-year-old member of the Guardians of Time, takes Ethan in for training. Unbeknownst to his family, Ethan is a member of The Named, an elite team of prophesied soldiers from the Guardians of Time (the Guard).

As a member of the Named, Ethan travels through time in order to ensure that history happens as it should. The Guard is in place to protect history from the Order of Chaos, an army devoted to creating as much chaos and discord as possible. He has been with the Guard since childhood, a "very rare occurrence", according to Arkarian. After years of devotion to the cause, Ethan feels he is ready to receive the Guard's highest honor, the power of flight. When Arkarian promises him good news, he assumes he has finally achieved his goal, only to be let down. The letdown, however, is softened by the promise of his own apprentice, Isabel Becket. Ethan worries that Isabel, the sister of his former best friend Matt, may not be suited to the Guard due to his memory of her being "a pest". Arkarian encourages him to give her a chance, reminding him that he has not seen her in quite some time. He grudgingly accepts.

At school the next day, Ethan realizes that Isabel is in his history class, taught by his least-favorite teacher, Mr. Carter. Carter is exceptionally hard on Ethan, annoyed by the way in which Ethan has a straight A average but appears to not pay attention in class. Ethan has an inherent distrust in the man, and does what he can to stay out of the teacher's way. While in the back of Carter's class, Ethan attempts to gain Isabel's attention and interest by using his power of animation to spin a pen on his desk, which successfully attracts the attention of Isabel, Mr. Carter, and Rochelle, Matt's girlfriend and the reason that Ethan and Matt are no longer friends. Realizing he has broken the Guard's code, he runs off to discuss with Arkarian.

