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Game information
Homeland Abyss
Gender Male
Race Balor
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Setting Forgotten Realms

Errtu is a balor, a true tanar'ri (chaotic evil demon) in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, chiefly in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

Errtu was featured as a villain of the first book in the Icewind Dale trilogy, The Crystal Shard by R. A. Salvatore, and the main villain of Passage to Dawn, the final book in Salvatore's Legacy of the Drow series. Second to the assassin Artemis Entreri and Obould Many-Arrows, Errtu is the greatest nemesis and most powerful and dangerous foe of the drow renegade, Drizzt Do'Urden, though Errtu has described himself as 'he who hates Drizzt most'.

Errtu is some twelve feet tall, covered in red scales, with a large pair of bat-like wings and a tail, and is frequently described as having a "horned, ape-like head" (Salvatore 2007) and a "canine maw" (Salvatore 2007). When he's in the throes of lust for power, he drools an acidic saliva. Errtu's voice is gravelly, guttural, and harsh. He is the ruler of a layer of the Abyss characterized by the growth of giant mushrooms, and even has a throne carved into the stalk of one. In battle, Errtu usually uses a many-tailed whip, a sword of lightning, and his considerable magic, wits, and demonic strength.

Errtu's motivations are primarily those of the average demon's — his own power, his own survival, and the chance to cause havoc in the Prime Material Plane. He is concerned entirely with himself and his own quest for power and control, and his selfishness leads him nearly to paranoia — in his view, anything that goes wrong is a conspiracy against him. Given Errtu's native environment, and the temperament of its denizens, this is an excellent survival trait and not too wide of the mark.

