Erna Fergusson (January 10, 1888 – July 30, 1964) was an avid writer, historian, and storyteller, who documented the culture and history of New Mexico for more than forty years.
Erna was born to a wealthy and well-known family. Her mother was Clara Mary Huning, the daughter of a very successful merchant by the name of Franz Huning. He was an investor of real estate and owned and operated a downtown mercantile store and flourmill. Erna Fergusson’s father was Harvey Butler Fergusson, a prominent lawyer in White Oaks, New Mexico. It was later in 1883 that he moved to Albuquerque, where he became friends with Franz Huning. Four years later in 1887 Clara Mary Huning and Harvey Fergusson were married.
Erna, the eldest of four children, grew up in La Glorieta, which was her primary residence in New Mexico. However, between 1897 and 1899 Erna spent her formative years in Washington, D.C. when her father served as a delegate to the United States. In 1906 Erna graduated from Central High School in Albuquerque. Prior to graduating, she did preparatory work at the University of New Mexico (1904) and the Collegiate School in Los Angeles (1905). She began teaching in the Albuquerque public schools while at the same time furthering her education. In 1912 she graduated from UNM with a Bachelor of Pedagogy Degree. A year later Erna completed her Masters in History from Columbia University in New York. After teaching a while in Chatham hall in Virginia she decided to return home and continue teaching in Albuquerque.
Throughout her years Erna had various other occupations. During World War II she took a job with the Red Cross as the home service secretary and State Supervisor for New Mexico. After the war she became a reporter for the Albuquerque Herald, writing various articles regarding her hometown. She was commissioned in 1926 by Century Magazine to write “Redskins to Railroads” and “From Rodeo to Rotary” two of her pieces, which many years later along with other short works became published. While at the Herald, Erna also began a touring company alongside friend Ethel Hickey. The touring company, Koshare Tours, provided guests with tours of the southwest, introducing them to native cultures. Koshare Tours were so successful that Fred Harvey, a famous and well to do western hotel and restaurateur, bought the touring company and hired Erna Fergusson to direct the new endeavor—Indian Detour Service.