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Enn Kunila

Enn Kunila (born 19 March 1950 in Tallinn) is an Estonian entrepreneur and art collector.

Kunila is the Member of the Board and one of the shareholders of NG Investeeringud, which is one of the biggest Estonian private capital based investment and holding companies in Estonia.NG Investeeringud group employs more than 4700 people and operates in trade, industry and real estate.

Enn Kunila was awarded the Order of the White Star, Fourth Class in 2006 by the President of the Republic of Estonia in recognition for his contribution to Estonian entrepreneurship.

Enn Kunila is a member of the governing bodies of different public enterprise-related organizations. In 2007-2015 he was the Chairman of the Council of the Association of Estonian Food Industry.

As an art collector and a patron, Enn Kunila has been a remarkable endorser of Estonian art life. To acknowledge his deeds, the Estonian Museum Association entitled Enn Kunila “Friend of Estonian Museums” in 2009, and in 2010 he was the honoree for the U.S. Baltic Foundation Philanthropy Award of the Baltic States. In 2012 the Estonian Minister of Culture awarded the title “Friend of Culture 2011” to Enn Kunila.

Enn Kunila has served as the Chairman of the Board of the Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society since its foundation in 2007. He is also the founder of the Board of Art Patrons that has been an important financial supporter of the Art Museum of Estonia Friends of Art Society. Kunila is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Art Museum of Estonia Foundation since its establishment in 2016.

By profession, Enn Kunila is an engineering-technologist in the field of metal cutting processing.

Enn Kunila is also the member of the boards of all the enterprises that belong to the concern of NG Investeeringud.

Enn Kunila is the founder and owner of one of the finest art collections in Estonia. His art collection comprises the works of art by important Estonian artists of the classical period. Kunila’s art collection, both in the level of the works of art and the artists, is comparable to the permanent exhibitions of Estonian art museums concentrating on the same era.

