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Enhanced strength

Superhuman strength, also called super-strength, super strength, increased strength, or enhanced strength, is an ability commonly employed in fiction. It is the ability for an individual to be stronger, tougher, more durable, and more physically powerful than humanly possible. Superhuman strength is usually seen in fictional stories and mythology, and it is not a term commonly applied to humans in reality. There are instances in which humans may exercise great feats of strength (e.g., lifting a car to save a loved one) - however this phenomenon is described as hysterical strength.

Characters and deities with superhuman strength have been found in several ancient mythological accounts and religions. Superhuman strength is also a common feature across a wide range of media such as novels, comic books, television, movies, and video games.

Superhuman strength is also used by several characters in fantasy and science fiction. This is generally by means of mechanisms such as cybernetic body parts, genetic modification, telekinetic fields within science fiction, or magical/supernatural sources within fantasy. A plethora of comic book superheroes and super-villains usually have some degree of super strength. Some films also employ the use of a fictional substance or drug that gives the characteristic. The level of strength portrayed can vary greatly, from just outside the "normal" human range of the strongest weightlifters (e.g. unarmored Master Chief), to nearly unlimited strength (e.g. Hulk, Superman, Supergirl, Superwoman, Thor, Hercules, or Goku).

