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Emyn Muil

The stories of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium contain references to numerous places. Some of these fictional places are described below.

Aldburg (O.E. 'old fortress') is a hill fort and settlement in Rohan, in the region known as the Folde, some miles to the southeast of Edoras. Aldburg was initially the capital of the realm, where Eorl the Young, the first King of Rohan, founded his hall in T.A. 2510. Though his son, King Brego, moved to Edoras early in Rohan's history (T.A. 2569), Aldburg remained the residence of the descendants of Éofor, Brego's third son. At the time of the War of the Ring, it was the home of King Théoden's nephew Éomer, who was the Third Marshal of the Mark and heir to the kingship.

The All-welcome Inn was an inn located at the junction of the Northway and the East Road on the Hobbiton side of Frogmorton. It was much used by travellers, especially Dwarves from the Ered Luin.

Amon Hen is a hill located on the western bank of the river Anduin, at the southern end of the long lake Nen Hithoel above the Falls of Rauros. It was one of the three peaks at the Falls of Rauros, the others being Amon Lhaw, the Hill of the Ear, and Tol Brandir, an island located between the two hills. The Seat of Seeing was built at the summit of Amon Hen, serving as a watchtower for the northern borders of Gondor. It was constructed in the early days of Gondor.

