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Empire of Ivory

Empire of Ivory
First edition (US)
Author Naomi Novik
Cover artist Dominic Harman
Country United States
Language English
Series Temeraire
Genre Alternate history
Publisher Del Rey (US)
Voyager (UK)
Publication date
September 25, 2007 (US)
November, 2007 (UK)
Media type Print (Hardback)& (Paperback)
Pages 384 pp
Preceded by Black Powder War
Followed by Victory of Eagles

Empire of Ivory is the fourth novel in the Temeraire alternate history/fantasy series by American author Naomi Novik. The series follows the actions of William Laurence and his dragon, Temeraire.

The book takes place in Africa and follows Laurence and Temeraire's search for a cure to the disease that has paralyzed the dragon community. Naomi Novik visited southern Africa in search for places in the fourth novel.

Empire of Ivory was released in paperback in North America on September 25, 2007. The British hardcover edition was published on November 5, 2007.

Laurence and Temeraire arrive back in Britain, following their evacuation of Danzig in Black Powder War. Their relief at arriving safely is short-lived as Napoleon continues his preparations for an invasion of the British Isles. When questioned about the lack of British air support for the Prussians, Laurence discovers that Britain had no dragons to spare: a flu-like epidemic has infected the greater part of them, and British science has yet to devise a cure. To combat it, Temeraire, Iskierka and the ferals are forced to fly frantic patrols, both as a show of force and to prevent Napoleon from getting reconnaissance in over the contaminated coverts; at one point Temeraire is forced to knock a French courier-dragon, Sauvignon, out of the sky and down into one of the coverts, risking infection himself.

Temeraire and Laurence continue to develop their notions of draconic equality in British society and find common cause with William Wilberforce and the abolitionist movement in exchange for assistance from prominent political leaders. Before they can continue their plans, they are enlisted to return to Africa to seek a cure for the draconic flu, which Temeraire caught and was cured of in Throne of Jade; his immunity is proven when he fails to contract the illness from Sauvignon and the other dragons. The entire formation is shipped to the Cape Colony aboard the Allegiance, along with a black missionary, Rev. Josiah Erasmus, formerly of the Lunda people, his wife Hannah and their daughters. The missionaries are manumitted slaves, causing tension between Laurence and Allegiance captain Tom Riley, a staunch supporter of the trade and sometimes-friend to Laurence. Riley is also further thrown off balance by the discovery that some of the Aerial Corps' officers, including Lily's captain Catherine Harcourt, are women (the acid-spitting Longwing breed, along with a few others, refuse to accept male handlers).

