El Jeremías is a 2015 Mexican comedy film, directed by Anwar Safa. The film stars Martín Castro as Jeremías, a bright child, who after learning he's a genius, struggles to succeed despite his family's poverty and ignorance.
The film premiered at the 30th Guadalajara International Film Festival. The film also received nine nominations at the 58th Ariel Awards including Best Director for Safa and Best Original Screenplay for Ana Sofía Clerici. The film was named on the shortlist for Mexico's entry for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards. The film will release in the United States on October 21, 2016.
Set in Sonora, Mexico, the film tells the story of Jeremías (Martin Castro) an eight year old who finds out he is a gifted child and initiates a journey of self discovery. When an opportunistic physiologist makes contact with Jeremías, a new world of experiences open up to him but at the expense of being away from the family he loves. Jeremías must choose between this exciting but lonely new world he finds himself in or returning home to his loving family.