An Eidophor was a television projector used to create theater-sized images. The name Eidophor is derived from the Greek word-roots ‘eido’ and ‘phor’ meaning 'image' and 'bearer' (carrier). Its basic technology was the use of electrostatic charges to deform an oil surface.
The idea for the original Eidophor was conceived in 1939 in Zurich by Dr Fritz Fischer and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology with the first prototype being unveiled in 1943. A patent was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (patent no. 2,391,451) to Friederich Ernst Fischer for the 'Process and appliance for projecting television pictures' on 25 December 1945.
Following the Second World War, Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox experimented with the concept of "theatre television" where television images would be broadcast onto cinema screens. Over 100 cinemas were set up for the project, which failed because of financial losses and the refusal of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to grant theatre owners their own UHF bands for presentation.
An original August 1952 magazine article in the Radio and Television News credits the development of the Eidophor to Dr Edgar Gretener. It was not until around the time of this article that Gretener took a lead in commercialising the Eidophor, following Fischer’s death in 1947.
Eidophors used an optical system somewhat similar to a conventional movie projector but substituted a slowly rotating mirrored disk or dish for the film. The disk was covered with a thin film of transparent high-viscosity oil, and through the use of a scanned electron beam, electrostatic charges could be deposited onto the oil, causing its surface to deform. Light was shone on the disc via a striped mirror consisting of strips of reflective material alternating with transparent non-reflective areas. Areas of the oil unaffected by the electron beam would allow the light to be reflected directly back to the mirror and towards the light source, whereas light passing through deformed areas would be displaced and would pass through the adjacent transparent areas and onwars through the projection system. As the disk rotated, a doctor blade discharged and smoothed the ripples in the oil, readying it for re-use on another television frame.