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Editas Medicine

Editas Medicine is a discovery-phase pharmaceutical company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts which aims to develop therapies based on CRISPR–Cas9 gene editing technology. The company went public on 2 Feb 2016. This initial public offering was noted as being the first such from a company which aims to use "DNA itself to internally treat afflictions". The company has conceded that “It will be many years, if ever, before we have a product candidate ready for commercialization.” Further, the company's valuation depends on a single patent, which holder was in dispute as of early 2016, presenting a major risk to the company's continued viability.

The company entered into a strategic collaboration with Juno Therapeutics in 2015 to combine its CRISPR-Cas9 technology with Juno's experience in creating chimeric antigen receptor and high-affinity T cell receptor therapeutics to the end of developing cancer therapeutics.

The company announced in 2015 that it was planning a clinical trial in 2017 using CRISPR gene editing techniques to treat Leber's congenital amaurosis, a rare genetic illness that causes blindness.

Direct competitors to Editas include Crispr Therapeutics, Intellia Therapeutics, and Caribou Biosciences.

