The Economic History Association (EHA) is an organization in North America dedicated to "encourage and promote teaching, research, and publication on every phase of economic history, broadly defined.
The association publishes The Journal of Economic History with Cambridge University Press, and holds an annual meeting usually in September of each year. Recent and future meetings have been or will be held in Arlington, Virginia in 2013, Columbus, Ohio in 2014, Nashville, Tennessee in 2015, and Boulder, Colorado in 2016.
The EHA also runs a website at that presents information on future conferences in economic history run by a variety of societies; an online encyclopedia with entries on major topics in economic history; a directory of members of the EHA, the Cliometrics Society, the Economic History Society, the Business History Conference, and the Economic and Business History Society; reading lists for courses in economic history; several databases; and links to a wide variety of sites associated with other learned societies that focus on history and economics.
In 2014 there were more than 800 members in the association. The membership is composed of faculty and graduate students from a large number of universities in the United States and around the world, as well as others employed in the private sector and in governments. The research published in the journal and presented at the annual meetings uses the tools of economics, history, and social sciences more broadly to study changes in the performance and structure of economies through time. The association support research through Arthur H. Cole grants-in-aid.
It awards several prizes for publications:
The society also provides grants to support the early stages of dissertation work in economic history and fellowships to support students finishing their dissertations on the topic. Two Ken Sokoloff fellowships are awarded by the EHA each year to students finishing their dissertations in economic history.
The association is administered at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. Price V. Fishback has been the Executive Director of the Association since 2012. Prior Executive Directors were Alexander Field of Santa Clara University, and Thomas Weiss of the University of Kansas. Recent presidents of the association include Philip Hoffman (California Institute of Technology), Robert Allen (Oxford University), Jeremy Atack (Vanderbilt), Barry Eichengreen (UC-Berkeley), Naomi Lamoreaux (UCLA and Yale). Other past presidents of the Association include Economics Nobel Laureates Robert Fogel and Douglass North.