Earl Judson Isaac (7 August 1921 – 12 December 1983), along with friend Bill Fair, set up the company Fair Isaac in a small studio apartment on Lincoln Ave. in San Rafael, California in the year 1956.
Earl Isaac was born in Buffalo, NY. Youngest of five, Earl had two older brothers and two older sisters. Education: graduated from high school at age 15, attended Muskingum University, accepted an appointment in the United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, Maryland) for the class 1944. Graduated from the Naval Academy one year early, 1943, because of World War II and served as a U.S. Naval officer on the USS Missouri. After World War II, Earl earned a Master of Science degree in Mathematics at UCLA.
After being discharged from the Navy and before founding Fair, Isaac and Company, he worked at SRI International (then known as Stanford Research Institute), along with Bill Fair, during SRI's beginning years.
Isaac and Bill Fair founded Fair Isaac in 1956.