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Gender Masculine
Language(s) Scottish Gaelic
Language(s) Celtic
Derivation each + donn
Meaning 1. "horse" + "lord";
2. "horse" + "brown"
Cognate(s) Eachdonn
Anglicisation(s) Hector (given name), Hector (surname)
See also MacEachainn

Eachann is a masculine given name in the Scottish Gaelic. A similar and possibly related early form of the name was Eachdonn. The name is compose of two elements; the first element is each, meaning "horse". The second element is donn, which has been given two different meanings. One proposed meaning is "brown"; another proposed meaning is "lord". The early Gaelic form of the name, Eachdonn, was 'confused' with the Norse Hakon (which is etymologically unrelated).

Eachann has often been Anglicised as Hector (which is also etymologically unrelated to Eachann).

The Scottish Gaelic surname MacEachainn is a patronymic form of the given name (meaning "son of Eachann").

