The Duocons (known in Japan as the Two-In-Ones) are a sub-group of Decepticons from the fictional Transformers universe.
The Duocons sub-group is particularly small, consisting of only two members, Battletrap and Flywheels. First released in 1987, they are distinguished by their unusual transformation ability to split their single robot form into two separate vehicles. By placing the flying vehicle atop the wheeled one and pressing down until they click into place, the toy quickly springs up into robot mode.
His fellow Decepticons describe Battletrap as "playful" - in the same sense that a cat is playful with a captured mouse before moving in for the kill. His two components are a robotic wrestling tag-team, and he loves to trap an adversary between his two modes and have his own special kind of "fun" with him before finally ripping him to pieces. Surprisingly, Battletrap is cheerful and good-natured - but that's probably because he enjoys his work so much.
Battletrap can divide his robot into two separate and autonomous vehicle modes, jeep and helicopter, each with identical personalities, and can recombine into robot mode in 1.6 seconds. His helicopter component is equipped with a vast array of electronic detection, jamming and communication equipment. Although strong in robot mode, his alternate modes sacrifice this for enhanced mobility - neither is especially rugged or weapons-fire-resistant. In all three modes, Battletrap uses a double-barreled, wire-guided assault missile launcher with infra-red imaging for night-firing capabilities. Curiously, the jeep is very similar to an ARO 10.
Whereas the division of Battletrap's personality between his components seems to have been a successful one, Flywheels (Flywheel in Japan) is far from it - his two vehicular components possess individual personalities, and they loathe each other. Each half of him is jealous of the other, leading the two minds to fight with themselves more often than with his opponents. Flywheels can even be heard arguing with himself when his components are unified in robot mode. He divides into a tank and a jet, and all three modes can wield his laser cannon, equipped with infra-red sensors for heat-seeking capabilities.
The Duocons did not appear in the American animated series proper, but Flywheels can lay claim to a small cameo in the opening sequence to the fourth and final season. Although it is odd, since the Duocons do not appear in the series, a clip of the unique animation created for the Duocon toy commercial was employed in the opening credits, giving Flywheels a second or two of screentime.