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Double (volleyball)

A double occurs in volleyball when a player, during a match, is credited with scoring at least ten times in one (or more) of five statistical categories: Aces, Kills, Blocks, Digs, and Assists. The term was apparently derived from similar basketball jargon; the expression "triple-double" was coined by former Los Angeles Lakers public relations director Bruce Jolesch in order to showcase Magic Johnson's versatility.

There are four main types of doubles:

Of the five statistical categories, double digit match totals are most common for assists, but rare for any positions other than setter. The next most frequent double-digit category is digs, which is most often attained by liberos or defensive specialists, but can be achieved by any strong defensive player. Kills are the third most common double-digit achievement category, occurring predominantly among hitters, especially outside hitters and middle blockers. Likewise, double-digit blocking numbers are preponderantly accomplished by middle blockers or outside hitters, but are much less common than double-digit kills. Rarest by far are double-digit aces, which even the most exceptional server is unlikely to attain once in a career.

Double-double is defined as an individual performance in which a player accumulates a double digit number total in two of five statistical categories, including aces, kills, blocks, digs, and assists, during one match. The most common double-double combination is digs and assists, frequently accomplished by setters, although sometimes achieved by liberos and defensive specialists. The next most frequent double-double is kills and digs, usually achieved by hitters (outside hitters or middle blockers) who are versatile defensively. Hitters (outside hitters, middle blockers, or opposite hitters) also sometimes accomplish a double-double of kills and blocks.

