Don't Forget the Lyrics! is an international game show in the United States and United Kingdom. The American show originally aired on Fox from July 11, 2007 to June 19, 2009 and after a year off the air, a third overall season, and first as a syndicated show, began on June 15, 2010 in daytime syndication and in primetime on VH1 and in primetime on MyNetworkTV on October 5, 2010. On March 24, 2011, the show was canceled. There was a UK show which began broadcasting on Sky1 on Sunday, 11 May 2008 and aired its final show on 9 August 2009. There have been many affiliated shows in Europe (Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain), in Asia (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan), as well as in Australia, Canada, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria etc.
In this show, a single contestant is prompted to complete song lyrics for increasing amounts of money. After each correct answer, the contestant can continue playing, risking what has already been earned, or quit the game and take home all the money he or she has already earned. If the contestant continues playing and correctly completes nine song lyrics, he or she will be given a lyric from a number 1 hit to complete. If the contestant completes the final lyric correctly, he or she wins the grand prize that varies from country to country.
The primary difference between Don't Forget the Lyrics! and other music-based game shows is that artistic talent (such as the ability to sing or dance in an aesthetically pleasing way) is irrelevant to the contestants' chances of winning. In the words of one of their commercials prior to the first airing, "You don't have to sing it well; you just have to sing it right."
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The Australian version was rumoured to be airing on Network Ten in late 2008, with a jackpot of $500,000, after strong ratings to the US version over the summer non-ratings period. However, there has never been any confirmation and no production has begun. This may be due to lower ratings for episodes of the US version airing during the ratings period.
The Austrian version premiered on March 6, 2008 and aired on ATV titled Sing & Win. It is hosted by Rainhard Fendrich. The jackpot for this version is €50,000. So far, only one person managed to win the jackpot: the female singer Alexandra Poetzelsberger.