A dog crate is a metal, wire, plastic, or fabric enclosure with a door in which a dog may be kept for security or transportation. Dog crates are designed to replicate a dog's natural den and as such can provide them with a place of refuge at home or when traveling to new surroundings. Crate training accustoms the dog with the crate. The most common reasons for using a dog crate are for toilet training a new puppy, taking a dog on short trips inside the car, displaying them at a dog show, or giving a dog a place to go when visitors come to the house. Similarly as people can have their own room to "enjoy a moment of solace, your dog likes having its own room ... a little, cozy place of their own ... dog crates offer a superlative home for your dog where it can feel safe and secure." Using a crate for a dog is similar to having a playpen for a toddler or a crib for a baby, and allows the owner to take their eyes off their pet. Additionally, covering a crate with a blanket, putting your pet’s favorite toys inside, and having enough packaging inside the cage to ensure your pet does not get hurt in the move are all things that will improve a pet’s move.
There are many types of dog crates, and variations within the types. The factors to consider include cost, durability, portability, and style.