Djemo the Mountaineer (Serbian: Ђемо Брђанин) is a popular legendary hero of Serbian epic poetry who is depicted as enemy of Kraljević Marko and brother of Musa Kesedžija. His figure might be based on an actual historical person. There are (disputed) claims that he was a member of Muzaka noble family from Albania (Gjin Muzaka) or maybe the Ottoman soldier Jegen Osman Pasha. Some authors, such as Russian folklorist Khalansky, connected him with Svyatogor, which is also disputed by some other scholars.
There are several different theories about the origin of Djemo's name. According to one approach, Djemo was originally Dema, which is the diminutive of Demir, derived from the Turkish word for iron (Turkish: Demir). The other possibility is that his name is derived from the name of Osman Jegen Pasha (Jedjem — Djemo) who lived at the end of the 17th century. According to some scholars his name is derived from the name of Gjin Muzaka, a member of Muzaka noble family from Albania.
Djemo the Mountaineer is mentioned as Gino Latinin (Serbian: Џин од Латина) in the song 'Marriage of Stojan Popović'. Other forms of his name are Djino, Gino Arnauče, Dinče Arnauče and Gino Latinin (Serbian: džin od Latina), all names of the enemies of Prince Marko also in the songs collected by Miladinov brothers.
Jovan Tomić in his work 'Who is Djemo the Mountaineer' (Serbian: Ко је Ђемо Брђанин) claims that Djemo was from the region of Brda, a territory in modern-day Montenegro and northern Albania. He thought that Musa Kesedžija is based on the supporter of Yeğen Osman Pasha while Jegen Pasha himself has been transformed into Djemo the Mountaineer (Serbian: Ђемо Брђанин) in Serbian epic poetry.