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Divya-drishti (Hindi: दिव्य दृष्टि) or the divine eye-sight, also known as Yoga-drishti, refers to 'divine perception' which is intuitive perception or cognition that carries with it an intrinsic certainty and conviction. It is a spiritual attainment which according to Patanjali enables the yogi to communicate with heavenly bodies. This Divine vision is gained by the practice of neti that balances the flow of prana-shakti in ida, pingala and sushmana and uplifts the higher mental faculties which awaken the chakras and kundalini and even enables the yogi to see into the past and future. "Uttitha padma āsana" ('the raised Lotus posture') makes one develop divya-drishti, opens the heart center and cures respiratory disorders.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna:-

Krishna invited Arjuna to observe the Cosmic Body or Viraj) and behold as concentrated within that body (in the person of Krishna) the entire creation and all that is desired to be seen. When Arjuna failed to see that divine form, Krishna bestowed the gift of divine vision – दिव्यं चक्षुः. Thus endowed, Arjuna saw an undisguised reality he could otherwise not see, what he then saw was अद्भुतदर्शनम् (many a wonderful sight) divine in essence, transcendent and all-effulgent, the sight which has never been seen before. Arjuna saw the power of creating diversity in the universe. A similar gift had been bestowed on Sanjaya by Sage Vyasa.

The Vedic seers have spoken about the wondrous eyes of Lord Vishnu, the ever-open watchful divine eyes whose power of sight is not restricted by space and time. Rishi Medhātithih Kānvah states that:-

