Divine Worship: The Missal(DWM) is the missal containing the newest expression of the Roman Rite eucharistic liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It is used in the parishes and other communities of the personal ordinariates for former Anglicans.
Along with the ordination of married former Episcopal and Anglican priests, the Pastoral Provision of 1980 permitted the establishment of Anglican Use parishes in the United States and created a special missal called the Book of Divine Worship using liturgical elements from the Anglican tradition.
The apostolic constitution Anglicanorum Coetibus issued by Pope Benedict XVI on 4 November 2009 dramatically expanded this concept and created three personal ordinariates, one in England, Scotland and Wales, one in the United States and Canada, and one in Australia.
Anglicanorum Coetibus specifically authorized the creation of liturgical forms for the personal ordinariate, and Divine Worship: The Missal gives expression to and preserves for Catholic worship the Anglican liturgical tradition and patrimony, understood as that which has nourished the Catholic faith throughout the history of the Anglican tradition and prompted aspirations towards ecclesial unity.
Divine Worship: The Missal was developed by the interdicasterial commission Anglicanae Traditiones of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to be the liturgy for all Ordinariate parishes worldwide. Advisers to the commission included Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia, Msgr. Steven J. Lopes, Msgr. Andrew Burnham, Auxiliary Bishop Peter J. Elliott, Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, Fr. Uwe Michael Lang, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Feulner, Dr. Clinton A. Brand, Fr. Andrew Menke, and Msgr. Peter Wilkinson.