In mathematics, a distance-regular graph is a regular graph such that for any two vertices v and w, the number of vertices at distance j from v and at distance k from w depends only upon j, k, and i = d(v, w).
By considering the special case k = 1, one sees that in a distance-regular graph, for any two vertices v and w at distance i, the number of neighbors of w that are at distance j from v is the same. Conversely, it turns out that this special case implies the full definition of distance-regularity. Therefore, an equivalent definition is that a distance-regular graph is a regular graph for which there exist integers bi,ci,i=0,...,d such that for any two vertices x,y with y in Gi(x), there are exactly bi neighbors of y in Gi-1(x) and ci neighbors of y in Gi+1(x), where Gi(x) is the set of vertices y of G with d(x,y)=i (Brouwer et al., p. 434). The array of integers characterizing a distance-regular graph is known as its intersection array.
Every distance-transitive graph is distance regular. Indeed, distance-regular graphs were introduced as a combinatorial generalization of distance-transitive graphs, having the numerical regularity properties of the latter without necessarily having a large automorphism group.
A distance-regular graph with diameter 2 is strongly regular, and conversely (unless the graph is disconnected).
It is usual to use the following notation for a distance-regular graph G. The number of vertices is n. The number of neighbors of w (that is, vertices adjacent to w) whose distance from v is i, i + 1, and i − 1 is denoted by ai, bi, and ci, respectively; these are the intersection numbers of G. Obviously, a0 = 0, c0 = 0, and b0 equals k, the degree of any vertex. If G has finite diameter, then d denotes the diameter and we have bd = 0. Also we have that ai+bi+ci= k